martes, 24 de julio de 2012

Hopper en Madrid

“Para mí lo más importante es el sentido de seguir adelante. Sabes lo bellas que son las cosas cuando estás viajando” 

Edward Hopper.

On perspective. It may be good, it may be bad...

Horse Head
A peasant farmer lives on the outskirts of a village with his family.

He comes into the village one day and is visibly disturbed. He speaks to the wise man of the village: “My horse has run away with the wild horses. I have lost my horse. This is terrible.”

The wise man says “It may be good, it may be bad.”

The next day the peasant farmer returns to the center of the village. This time he looks happy. He speaks again “My horse has returned and has brought two extra wild horses back with him. This is wonderful.”

The wise man says “It may be good, it may be bad.”

The next day the peasant farmer returns. He is clearly shaken. “My son was riding one of the wild horses. He has fallen and has broken his leg. This is awful.”

The wise man says “It may be good, it may be bad.”

The next day the peasant farmer is back. He is calm. “The army came looking for recruits for the war. They came to my house. They wanted my son. They saw that his leg was broken and they were not able to take him away to war. I am so lucky.”

The wise man says “It may be good, it may be bad.”

jueves, 19 de julio de 2012


"Lo que sucede en tu vida es menos importante que la manera en que reaccionas ante lo que te sucede."

Alejandro Jodorowsky

sábado, 7 de julio de 2012

El camino más largo

"El camino mas largo que tendrás que recorrer en tu vida es de aquí hasta aquí: de tu cabeza a tu corazón."

Pueblo Sioux   

Sé como tú eres
de manera que puedas ver
quién eres y cómo eres

Deja por unos momentos
lo que debes hacer
y descubre lo que realmente haces
Arriesga un poco si puedes

Siente tus propios sentimientos
Dí tus propias palabras
Piensa tus propios pensamientos

Sé tu propio ser
Deja que el plan para tí
surja de dentro de tí

Fritz Perls

miércoles, 4 de julio de 2012

"El ser humano pertenece a una especie narradora de historias. Ser "humano" es tener historias que contar. " 

Gordon Wheeler
"Beyond Individualism"